story.state.unpitched = false;
<div class="teacher">Hi! I'm <%= myIntroduction() %>!
Since <%= yourRealTeacher() %> isn't at your house, <%= isVanNess() ? "he created me" : "I've been created" %> to help you practice at home!
<% if (isFriday() && isVanNess()) { %>
Oh, and by the way, <strong>WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY!?</strong>
<% } %>
What can I help you with?</div>
[[Guide me through practicing a new assignment.->New Assignment]]
[[Help me polish up an old assignment.->Old Assignment]]
[[I just want to study a specific topic.->Study]]
[[I'm done with my "real" assignment and need ideas of what to practice instead.->Ideas]]
<% if (isFriday() && isVanNess()) { %>
[[<strong>IT'S FRIDAYYYYYYYY!!</strong> 🎉->Friday]]
<% } %>
[[I have questions about <strong>you</strong>, <%= myName() %>!->Site Info]]<div class="teacher">Great! Let's get started!
First, find the time signature for this piece.</div>
[[Found it, and I'm an expert at this time signature.->Done with Time Signatures]]
[[I see it! Let's review what it means.->Time Signature Top]]
[[Uh... what's a time signature?->Time Signature Definition]]<div class="teacher">Exciting! Old assignments are great—instead of learning the basics, you can focus on polish and beauty! They're also a fantastic opportunity to practice your attention and aural skills: while you could re-practice a whole piece from scratch, it's better if you can <strong>listen and identify your own errors</strong>.
Let's start by deciding what to focus on.</div>
[[Hmm...->Focus]]<div class="teacher">Fantastic! Let's look at the <strong>key signature</strong> next. Are there any flats or sharps hanging out at the start of the piece, not attached to any note?</div>
[[Yup, there are some flats.->How Many Flats?]]
[[Yup, there are some sharps.->How Many Sharps?]]
[[No, there aren't!->Key of C]]
[["Any sharps or flats hanging out"? Please. I'm an expert at this key signature.->Expert Key]]
[[Um... it's an unpitched percussion part.->Unpitched]]<div class="teacher">All right! What number is on the top of your time signature?</div>
function check(input) {
if (input.value !== '') {
} else {
<input id="timeSignatureTop" type="number" min="1" oninput="check(this);">
<a id="ok" href="javascript:story.show('Time Signature Bottom');">OK</a>
[[Uh... I know you want me to type in that box, but there's just a weird "c" thing instead of numbers.->Time Signature Symbols]]<div class="teacher">I can help with that! A time signature is a pair of numbers stacked on top of each other, usually found at the very beginning of a piece.
The time signature tells us how to read all the rhythms in a piece—it can change the number of beats in each measure, and also the lengths of all the notes!</div>
[[Oh, I remember that! Let's talk specifics.->Time Signature Top]]<div class="teacher">The top is <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop %>, great! And what is the number on the bottom of your time signature?</div>
<a href="javascript:story.state.timeSignatureBottom=2;story.show('Time Signature Check-in');">2</a>
<a href="javascript:story.state.timeSignatureBottom=4;story.show('Time Signature Check-in');">4</a>
<a href="javascript:story.state.timeSignatureBottom=8;story.show('Time Signature Check-in');">8</a>
<a href="javascript:story.state.timeSignatureBottom=16;story.show('Time Signature Check-in');">16</a>
<a href="javascript:story.state.timeSignatureTop*=3;story.state.timeSignatureBottom=8;story.show('Compound Time Signature Explanation');">Umm... there is a dotted quarter note down there instead of a number.</a><script>story.state.timeSignatureCompound = false;</script>
<div class="teacher">Do you remember what the top number in a time signature indicates? It tells us how many beats are in each measure. That means your piece has <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop %> beats per measure.
And do you know what the bottom number in a time signature means? It tells us what kind of note gets one beat. (That's right, the bottom number isn't a number at all, it's just telling you the name of a type of note! As in, 1 for whole note, 2 for half note, 4 for quarter note, 8 for eighth note, and so on.)
Since there's a <%= story.state.timeSignatureBottom %> on the bottom of your time signature, it means in this piece, every **<%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>** is one beat long.
[[Got it! Next!->Done with Time Signatures]]
<% if (returnPassage() != "Note Length Introduction") { %>
[[I get that <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s get one beat, but how long are the **other** notes?->Note Length Introduction]]
<% } %>
[[I'm really confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">It's okay to be confused; I'm not a perfect <%= myDescription() %>, so I'm not as good a teacher as <%= yourRealTeacher() %>.<% if (hasEmail()) { %> Want to send an email with your question?</div>
<a href="mailto:<%= email() %>?subject=Practice%20Help&body=Hello%2C%20<%= encodeURIComponent(teacherName()) %>%2C%0D%0A%0D%0AI%20hope%20you're%20doing%20well!%20I'm%20hoping%20you%20can%20help%20me%20with">Yeah, let's do that!</a><% } else { %> Asking for help is a great idea—you should check in with a live human you can trust about music next chance you get!</div><% } %>
[[Nah, I'll start over with you instead.->Start]]
<a href="javascript:window.history.back();">Wait, repeat the last thing you said; I'll try again.</a>
[[I think I just need a cheesy joke right now.->Joke]]<script>story.state.timeSignatureCompound = true;</script>
<div class="teacher">We can do this! Do you remember what the top number in a time signature indicates? It tells us how many beats are in each measure. That means your piece has <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop/3 %> beats per measure.
And do you know what the bottom number in a time signature means? It tells us what kind of note gets one beat. (This is why it makes perfect sense—**more** sense, even—to have a note on the bottom instead of a number!)
Since there's a <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> on the bottom of your time signature, it means in this piece, every **<%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>** is one beat long.
[[Got it! Next!->Done with Time Signatures]]
<% if (returnPassage() != "Note Length Introduction") { %>
[[I get that <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s get one beat, but how long are the **other** notes?->Note Length Introduction]]
<% } %>
[[I'm hopelessly confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">There's a little complication with your time signature in particular...
It actually could mean either of **two** different time signatures! It could be:
* "simple" or "slow" time, in which there are <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop %> beats per measure with a(n) <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> getting the beat, **or**
* "compound" time, in which there are only <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop/3 %> beats per measure and a(n) <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> gets the beat instead!
Do you have any way of knowing which is which?
[[It's **simple**! There's a tempo marking that says <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> equals something.->Time Signature Explanation]]
[[It's **compound**! There's a tempo marking that says <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> equals something.->Compound Time Signature Confirmation]]
[[I'm not sure...->Compound Time Email]]<div class="teacher">Okay! So we've got a <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop %> on top, and a <%= story.state.timeSignatureBottom %> on the bottom.</div>
<% if (story.state.timeSignatureTop % 3 == 0 && story.state.timeSignatureTop > 3 && story.state.timeSignatureBottom == 8) { %>
[[Yes...->Maybe Compound Time]]
<% } else { %>
[[Yup!->Time Signature Explanation]]
<% } %>
[[No, that's not right...->Time Signature Top]]<div class="teacher">That's fine—<% if (hasEmail()) { %>do you want to email <%= yourRealTeacher() %> to get help deciding? You should probably include a photo of the piece.</div>
<a href="mailto:<%= email() %>?subject=Is%20This%20Time%20Signature%20Compound%20or%20Simple%3F&body=Hello%2C%20<%= encodeURIComponent(teacherName()) %>%2C%0D%0A%0D%0AI%20hope%20you're%20doing%20well!%20I'm%20hoping%20you%20can%20help%20me%20deduce%20whether%20this%20piece%20I'm%20working%20on%20is%20in%20compound%20or%20simple%20meter.">Sounds good!</a><% } else { %>you should ask a real live person you trust about music as soon as you can! Want to guess in the meantime?</div><% } %>
[[I'm pretty sure it's **simple**.->Time Signature Explanation]]
[[I'm pretty sure it's **compound**.->Compound Time Signature Explanation]]<div class="teacher">So your <strong>real</strong> time signature is <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop/3 %> over <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>.</div>
[[Got it!->Compound Time Signature Explanation]]<div class="teacher">Great! How many flats are there?</div>
function check(input) {
story.state.sharpCount = -parseInt(input.value);
if (input.value !== '' && input.value > 0) {
} else {
<input id="flats" type="number" min="1" oninput="check(this);">
[[OK->Flat Key]]<div class="teacher">Great! How many sharps are there?</div>
function check(input) {
story.state.sharpCount = parseInt(input.value);
if (input.value !== '' && input.value > 0) {
} else {
<input id="sharps" type="number" min="1" oninput="check(this);">
[[OK->Sharp Key]]<div class="teacher">No flats or sharps, huh? That <strong>is</strong> the key signature, then: there are no flats or sharps.</div>
<script>story.state.sharpCount = 0;</script>
[[Got it.->List Accidentals]]<div class="teacher"><% if (story.state.sharpCount < -1) { %>
So, there are <%= -story.state.sharpCount %> flats. Great! List them all.
<% } else { %>
So, there's one flat. Great! What is it?
<% } %>
(Each flat is on a specific line or space, telling you what note it is. If you don't know some, look them up in your fingering chart!)</div>
[[Done!->List Accidentals]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Flat Key');story.show('Note Names');">I need some help reading the lines and spaces.</a>
[[I'm very confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher"><% if (story.state.sharpCount > 1) { %>
So, there are <%= story.state.sharpCount %> sharps. Great! List them all.
<% } else { %>
So, there's one sharp. Great! What is it?
<% } %>
(Each sharp is on a specific line or space, telling you what note it is. If you don't know some, look them up in your fingering chart!)</div>
[[Done!->List Accidentals]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Sharp Key');story.show('Note Names');">I need some help reading the lines and spaces.</a>
[[I'm quite confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">Here's what was in your key signature:
<strong><%= listAccidentals(story.state.sharpCount) %></strong>
Do you know which <strong>scale</strong> has that key signature?<% if (isVanNess()) { %> (If not, you can look it up on your scale sheet!)<% } %></div>
[[I do!->Scale]]
[[I can't figure it out.->Scale]]
[[I'm hopelessly confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">It's the <strong><%= keyForSharps(story.state.sharpCount) %> scale</strong>! Play through the <%= keyForSharps(story.state.sharpCount) %> scale now, so you're ready to work on the piece.
Play it slowly and carefully! Remember, it has <%= listAccidentals(story.state.sharpCount) %> in it.
<% if (story.state.sharpCount != 0) { %>
Don't play any of those notes natural by mistake!
<% }
if (Math.abs(story.state.sharpCount) < 7) { %>
Don't add any other flats or sharps by mistake!
<% } %></div>
[[Done, perfectly!->Done with Key Signatures]]
[[It's taking a huge number of tries...->Scale Help]]<div class="teacher">Great! Then it's time to start working on the first measure! Take a look at that very first measure, and let's dive in!</div>
[[Ready!->Measure Section]]<div class="teacher">Don't worry if it's taking a lot of attempts! Let's try some other strategies to master the <%= keyForSharps(story.state.sharpCount) %> scale. Do any of these help?
* Try just spelling the scale at first—speaking the letter names of all the notes you're about to play.
* Get out your <strong>fingering chart</strong> and try <strong>spelling and fingering</strong> the scale.
* Try only working on the way <strong>up</strong> the scale at first! Once you've mastered that, work on <strong>only</strong> the way down. Can you fit them together afterwards?
Remember, the <%= keyForSharps(story.state.sharpCount) %> scale has <%= listAccidentals(story.state.sharpCount) %> in it.</div>
[[I've got it now!->Done with Key Signatures]]
[[I still need more help.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">Awesome! So, you know exactly what its key name is (that's the name of the scale it's based on) and you can play that scale from memory, no problem?</div>
[[Yup! Stop doubting me.->Done with Key Signatures]]
[[Oh... maybe we should go over the key signature after all.->Key Signature]]<div class="teacher">The first step of good practice is clapping and counting!
* ⏰ Think about the tempo this piece is played at. If you've never played it before, try to guess an appropriate tempo. Start tapping your foot at that tempo.
* 🔢 Speak the counts <strong>out loud</strong> with your voice! Is your foot lining up with all the <strong>numbers</strong>?
* 👏 Clap your hands <strong>loudly</strong> every time a note starts.
* ⌚️ Be <strong>rhythmic</strong>! This should sound more like rapping than speaking.
Only do that one exact section you picked to work on—no more notes than that! Keep repeating this until you've done it <strong>perfectly three times in a row</strong>.</div>
[[I got it on my first three tries.->Easy C&C]]
[[I got it in fewer than 20 tries.->Medium C&C]]
[[It took more than 20 tries, but I got it!->Hard C&C]]
[[Ack, what's up with these ties or slurs?->C&C Tie Help]]
[[I'm having trouble.->C&C Help]]<script>
story.state.unpitched = true;
<div class="teacher">Oh. Well, then. I suppose it wouldn't have a key signature if it doesn't even have pitches, would it?</div>
[[No. It would not.->Done with Key Signatures]]<div class="teacher">When I say "just one measure" I mean to start on <strong>beat one</strong> of that measure, and stop <strong>on beat one of the next measure</strong>. This might seem like one extra note compared to what you expected!</div>
[[Got it.->Clap and Count]]
[[Uh... even just one measure looks too scary.->Smaller Section]]
[[...But... why the extra note?->Why Extra Note]]<div class="teacher">It's actually pretty cool! Think about it this way:
* Pretend you've practiced measure 1 <strong>without</strong> going on to the first note of measure 2.
* Pretend you've practiced measure 2, as well.
* Now it's time to stick these two measure together—but wait!—there's actually one thing you've never done before:
Even if you practiced both sections 100 times each, you <strong>never</strong> practiced moving from the last note of measure 1 to the first note of measure 2.
I call that a "seam" and it's going to trip you up when you try to stitch your measures together! If you let your practice sections overlap by one note, you'll have a much easier time later on.</div>
[[Sounds good!->Clap and Count]]
[[Can you explain it another way?->Why Else Extra Note]]<div class="teacher">Sure! It's also <strong>more musical</strong> to finish off your practice on a strong beat. Try singing a measure from your piece and stopping abruptly just before a barline. (Tap your foot while you sing; it'll help you feel the rhythm!)
* Sure, some measures will sound okay this way, especially if they end with rests.
* Others... will sound hilariously weird. Stopping on beat one will <strong>always</strong> sound musical and will help your practice "click" better!</div>
[[Got it!->Clap and Count]]<div class="teacher">Great! Sometimes it's nice when things are easy; plus it gives us a chance to focus on:
* Being even more perfect with our timing
* Louder, more rhythmic counts & claps, or
* An even more steady foot tap!
Let's move on!</div>
[[Okay!->Spell and Finger]]<div class="teacher">Way to go—it sounds like your assignment is the perfect difficulty level for you!
Remember, every time you repeat your clapping and counting, you're not just practicing this one section; you're also:
* Solidifying your overall rhythmic feel
* Learning to read music better, and
* Improving your steady foot tap!
Time to move on!</div>
[[Okay!->Spell and Finger]]
[[It might be time to move on, but I'm not quite ready to spell and finger.->Rhythmatize]]<div class="teacher">You are amazing! It can be so hard to perservere and keep working on something so tricky, but it's the only way we can conquer it. You just learned <strong>so much more</strong> than you would have working on something that came easy to you! And you didn't just learn one rhythm, you learned:
* Any time that same rhythm comes up again
* Any similar rhythms and variations you might see in the future
* More solidity with all rhythms, and most importantly,
* That hard work pays off and that you can <strong>absolutely</strong> do things that seem difficult!
In other words, you're not just practicing clapping and counting, you're practicing <em>practicing</em>—and that applies to <strong>everything</strong> in life, not just band!
Ready to move on?
[[Yeah!->Spell and Finger]]
[[I'm ready to move on, but not quite ready to spell and finger.->Rhythmatize]]<div class="teacher">The second step of good practice is spelling and fingering!
* 👣 Tap your foot to the beat. Most people need to start their spelling and fingering pretty slowly, so maybe pick a speed just a little bit slower than before.
* 👏 Think about the clapping and counting you just did. Memorize that exact rhythm and copy it, as you:
* 🗣 Speak the letter names of the notes <strong>out loud</strong> with your voice. Don't forget to include "sharp" or "flat" when appropriate. <strong>Re-check your key signature now!</strong>
* 🤚 Move your hands <strong>confidently</strong> as if you were playing.
* ⌚️ Be <strong>rhythmic</strong>! This should sound more like rapping than speaking, and it needs to <strong>match your clapping and counting rhythm exactly</strong>.
Only do that one exact section you picked to work on—no more notes than that! Keep repeating this until you've done it <strong>perfectly three times in a row</strong>.
(Don't forget to speed back up on later tries if you slowed down at first! Match your clapping and counting!)</div>
[[I got it on my first three tries.->Easy S&F]]
[[I got it in fewer than 20 tries.->Medium S&F]]
[[It took more than 20 tries, but I got it!->Hard S&F]]
[[Wait, do ties and slurs affect my spelling?->S&F Tie Help]]
[[I forgot the rhythm I clapped.->Back to Clap and Count]]
[[I'm having trouble.->S&F Help]]
[[Uh... actually, this is an unpitched percussion part.->Unpitched S&F]]<div class="teacher">No worries! What's the trouble?</div>
[[I can't figure out the counts.->C&C Counting Help]]
[[I know the counts, but I can't figure out the timing.->C&C Timing Help]]
[[There are ties or slurs and they're confusing me.->C&C Tie Help]]
[[I understand it, but actually doing it seems way too hard.->C&C Performance Help]]<div class="teacher">Okay! Let's work through the whole measure <strong>one note at a time</strong>.
The first note is on <strong>beat one</strong> (unless you have a "pickup measure").</div>
[[With you so far...->C&C Counting Help 2]]
[[How do I know if I have a "pickup measure"?->Pickup Measures]]<div class="teacher">Let's work on that timing! First, think about <strong>what the counts actually mean</strong>.
* You should be able to space them out based on how far through the beat they're supposed to be.
* Try a few times and listen closely to check your work: do the counts sound like they're spaced out according to the fractions they represent?
A great trick for fixing timing is <strong>subdividing</strong>. Subdividing is counting extra, unnecessary counts to help you place your counts in time.
* If you're counting a rhythm with "e"s, "+"s, and "a"s, try counting <strong>all</strong> the quarters of a beat ("1 e + a, 2 e + a...").
* If you're counting a rhythm with "ta"s and "ma"s, try counting all the <strong>thirds</strong> of a beat ("1 ta ma, 2 ta ma...").
Try recording yourself and playing it back. Are you able to evaluate your timing better?</div>
[[Hey, some of those tricks worked!->Clap and Count]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Timing Help'); story.show('Counts');">I think I need to review what the counts mean!</a>
<% if (hasEmail()) { %><a href="mailto:<%= email() %>?subject=Counting%20Help&body=Hi%20<%= encodeURIComponent(teacherName()) %>%2C%0D%0A%0D%0AI'm%20having%20trouble%20clapping%20this%20rhythm.%20I've%20attached%20a%20recording%20of%20my attempt.%20Can%20you%20help%2C%20please%3F">I need <%= yourRealTeacher() %> for this rhythm.</a><% } %><div class="teacher">We can fix that! Every time a task seems impossible, you just need to get started a little by completing a small part of it.
There are two great ways to make this easier:
* We can break it into smaller sections and learn just part of it at first, or
* We can slow down our tempo until it's easy, and then speed back up once we've got it.</div>
[[I'll slow way down and try again!->Clap and Count]]
[[Let's break it into smaller pieces.->Smaller Section]]<div class="teacher">Here's what you should think about when starting to count a measure:
* How long is that first note?
* Let's travel that length of time past beat one. Where are we now?
* Is there a special word for where we are?
* That word is the count of the second note in the measure.</div>
[[I need a specific example, please.->C&C Counting Help Example]]
[[Okay... so, how does that work in general?->C&C Counting Help 3]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2'); story.show('Note Lengths');">Oof, I always forget my note lengths.</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2'); story.show('Counts');">Wait, what do the counts mean again?</a><div class="teacher">Pickup measures are weirdly short. To figure out if your measure is a pickup, you'll need to count up the number of beats in your measure.
* Add up the beat lengths of all the notes in the measure.
* Does that match how many beats the time signature says will be in each measure? If so, you don't have a pickup.
* Are there fewer beats in the measure than the time signature promised? Then you're looking at a pickup!</div>
[[The beats add up correctly. No pickup here.->C&C Counting Help 2]]
[[There <strong>are</strong> fewer beats than there should be!->Pickup Measures 2]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Pickup Measures'); story.show('Time Signature Definition');">Wait, time signatures confuse me.</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Pickup Measures'); story.show('Note Lengths');">I'm having trouble figuring out the note lengths.</a><div class="teacher">So, you've found a pickup measure! These are special measures at the beginning of a piece in which the composer has <strong>left out some rests</strong>. Here's what to do:
* Think about how many beats of rest you'd have to insert <strong>before</strong> the measure to fill it up properly.
* Now think: what count would I be on after those rests I just had to add? That's the count for your first note.</div>
[[Oh, okay.->C&C Counting Help 2]]
[[...What?->Pickup Measures 3]]<div class="teacher">Let's review some note lengths, then!
<% if (story.state.timeSignatureTop == null || story.state.timeSignatureBottom == null || story.state.timeSignatureCompound == null) { %>
We'll have to start by going over what time signature we're in. (Mostly because <strong>I</strong> need to know so I can help you with note lengths, but it'll be good review for you, too!)</div>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Note Length Introduction');story.show('Time Signature Top');">Okay, let's talk time signature.</a>
<% } else { %>
I think I remember you talking about <%= story.state.timeSignatureCompound ? "compound" : "simple" %> <%= story.state.timeSignatureTop %>/<%= story.state.timeSignatureBottom %> time; is that the time signature you want to study note lengths for?</div>
[[Yes, please!->Note Length Introduction]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Note Length Introduction');story.show('Time Signature Top');">No, I need to tell you about a different time signature.</a>
<% } %><div class="teacher">Wonderful! New assignments can be so fun! Be extra-careful, though: since you're not sure how it goes yet, it's easy to fall into some bad habits. Keep thinking and reading the music!</div>
<script>pushReturnPassage("First Measure"); pushReturnPassage("Key Signature");</script>
[[I'm ready.->Time Signature]]<%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><%=
function() {
var result = "<div class='teacher'>";
if (story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex == null) {
result += "Let's memorize some note lengths!\n\n";
} else if (story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex != story.state.noteLengthQuizCorrectIndex) {
result += "I'm afraid that's incorrect: " + story.state.noteLengthQuizOptions[story.state.noteLengthQuizAnswers[story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex]] + "s are " + story.state.noteLengthQuizAnswers[story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex] + ".\n\n";
} else {
result += "You got it; " + story.state.noteLengthQuizOptions[story.state.noteLengthQuizAnswers[story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex]] + "s are indeed " + story.state.noteLengthQuizAnswers[story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex] + " long!\n\n";
result += "How long is one " + story.state.noteLengthQuizQuestion + " in " + (story.state.timeSignatureCompound ? "compound " : "simple ") + story.state.timeSignatureTop + "/" + story.state.timeSignatureBottom + " time?";
result += "</div>\n\n";
for (var i = 0; i < story.state.noteLengthQuizAnswers.length; i++) {
result += "<a href='javascript:story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex=" + i + "; story.show(" + '"' + "Note Length Studying" + '"' + ");'>";
result += story.state.noteLengthQuizAnswers[i];
result += "</a>\n";
return result;
[[I'm done studying note lengths.->Done with Note Lengths]]<div class="teacher">
<% if (story.state.timeSignatureCompound) { %>
Okay! So we know from our time signature that <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s get one beat each. What else do we know?
* We know that, not just in this time signature, but in <strong>any</strong> time signature, two <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s fit into one <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom/2) %>.
* We know enough math to know, then, that one <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom/2) %> is two beats long!
Great! Anything else?
* We know that, not just in this time signature, but in <strong>any</strong> time signature, three <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s fit into one <%= compoundNameForBottom(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>.
* We know enough math to know, then, that one <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> is one-third of a beat long!
And furthermore...
* We also know that <strong>two</strong> <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s fit into <strong>one</strong> <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom/2) %>.
* And we just learned a second ago that each <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %> is one-third of a beat, so each <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom/2) %> must be <strong>two-thirds</strong> of a beat!
<% } else { %>
Okay! So we know from our time signature that <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s get one beat each. What else do we know?
* We know that, not just in this time signature, but in <strong>any</strong> time signature, two <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>s fit into one <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom/2) %>.
* We know enough math to know, then, that one <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom/2) %> is two beats long!
Great! Anything else?
* We know that, not just in this time signature, but in <strong>any</strong> time signature, two <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom*2) %>s fit into one <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom) %>.
* We know enough math to know, then, that one <%= noteNameForNumber(story.state.timeSignatureBottom*2) %> is one-half of a beat long!
<% } %>
That's a great start to figuring out all our note lengths! How do you feel?
<script>story.state.noteLengthQuizGuessIndex = null;</script>
[[Great! Quiz me!->Note Length Studying]]
[[Okay... I'll try some more.->Note Length Studying]]
[[Completely and utterly lost.->Get Help]]<%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><div class="teacher">Ooh! An abbreviation! That's fine. There are two common time signature abbreviations, so be careful: does your "c" symbol have a line through it, or not?</div>
[[It's got a line through it, like a cent sign.->Cut Time]]
[[No line down the middle, just a "c".->Common Time]]<script>story.state.timeSignatureTop = 2; story.state.timeSignatureBottom = 2;</script>
<div class="teacher">A c with a line through it, like a cent sign, is the abbreviation for 2 over 2! This time signature is sometimes called "cut time" because the "c" has been cut in half.</div>
[[Ah-ha! 2/2 it is.->Time Signature Check-in]]<script>story.state.timeSignatureTop = 4; story.state.timeSignatureBottom = 4;</script>
<div class="teacher">A c with <strong>no</strong> line through it is the abbreviation for 4 over 4! The "c" stands for "common" and this time signature is often called "common time" because... well, we play in it quite a lot.</div>
[[Ah-ha! 4/4 it is.->Time Signature Check-in]]<div class="teacher">Another way to look at it is clearly the composer hasn't given you the whole measure! Are these notes the composer's shown you from the <strong>beginning</strong> of the measure? Somewhere in the middle? The answer is <strong>this is the very end of the measure</strong>.
Just imagine the beginning filled up with rests. However many rests it takes to make the measure the right length again. Then you can count it normally.</div>
[[Hmm... okay.->C&C Counting Help 2]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2'); story.show('Counts');">This would probably make more sense if I could remember the counts.</a>
[[I'm gonna need some more help with this.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">Okay, here's an example.
Pretend we're in common time (4 over 4) and the first note in your measure is a <strong>half note</strong>. Then, you should think:
* Well, this half note starts on <strong>1</strong> (because it's the first thing in the measure).
* I know half notes are <strong>two beats long</strong> (in this time signature, at least).
* It's been a while since math class, but I'm pretty sure <strong>1 + 2 = 3</strong>, so...
* The second note in the measure must start on <strong>3</strong>!
That's not so bad, is it? Let's try another example: you're still in common time, but the first note in your measure is an <strong>eighth note</strong> this time. Then:
* This eighth note starts on <strong>1</strong> (because it's the first thing in the measure, same logic as last time).
* I know eighth notes are <strong>half a beat long</strong> (in this time signature, at least).
* I suppose, then, that the second note in the measure starts <strong>halfway through beat one</strong>...
* and we have a special word for "halfway between two beats"! That's called "and"! (And we write it "+".)
* The second note in the measure starts on <strong>+</strong>. (We might say it starts on "the and of one" if we were being super specific.)
Does that help?
[[Sure! I'm ready to get back to clapping and counting!->Clap and Count]]
[[Yes—let's hear how this works in general.->C&C Counting Help 3]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2'); story.show('Note Lengths');">I think I need to study my note lengths.</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2'); story.show('Counts');">I forgot what some of the counts are.</a>
[[No... I'm still confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">So, in general, here's what you need to think about for <strong>every note</strong>:
* What count does this note <strong>start</strong> on?
* How <strong>long</strong> is this note?
* If I can add that <strong>length</strong> to that <strong>starting count</strong>, I know the count of the <strong>next</strong> note.<% if (isVanNess()) { %>
And the great news is, you have a "Rhythm Reference" sheet you can use to check your work!<% } %></div>
[[Oh, that's not so bad! Let's get back into it!->Clap and Count]]
[[I'd like a specific example, please.->C&C Counting Help Example]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2');story.show('Note Lengths');">I'm gonna need to study my note lengths, then.</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('C&C Counting Help 2');story.show('Counts');">Sounds like I need to study my counts.</a>
<% if (hasEmail()) { %><a href="mailto:<%= email() %>?subject=Counting%20Help&body=Hi%20<%= encodeURIComponent(teacherName()) %>%2C%0D%0A%0D%0AI'm%20having%20trouble%20counting%20this%20rhythm.%20I've%20attached%20a%20photo%20of%20it.%20Can%20you%20help%2C%20please%3F">I need <%= yourRealTeacher() %> for this rhythm.</a><% } %>
[[Yeah, I'm completely lost.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">Let's review some counts, then! Here are all the common ones:
* <strong>1</strong>, right at the start of the first beat in the measure
* <strong>2</strong>, right at the start of the second beat in the measure
* <strong>3</strong>, right at the start of the third beat in the measure
* <strong>4</strong>, right at the...
You know, I think you're getting the point. Any number could be a count (as long as there are enough beats per measure to reach it)!
* <strong>e</strong>, 1/4 of the way through the beat
* <strong>+</strong>, 1/2 of the way through the beat (and we know from math that this is the same as 2/4); pronounced as "and"
* <strong>a</strong>, 3/4 of the way through the beat; pronounced as "da"
Those are more likely in simple meters. If you find yourself in compound 6/8, or if you encounter some triplets, then you might also see:
* <strong>ta</strong>, 1/3 of the way through the beat
* <strong>ma</strong>, 2/3 of the way through the beat
All these counts are just <strong>names for locations in time</strong>. We would absolutely count "1, 1 and a half, 1 and three quarters" if we could— but it's just too hard! So we say "1 + a" instead.</div>
<script>story.state.countQuizGuessIndex = null;</script>
<a href="javascript:countQuizSetUpSimple();story.show('Count Studying');">I've got 'em! Quiz me on simple counts: e, +, and a!</a>
<a href="javascript:countQuizSetUpCompound();story.show('Count Studying');">I've got 'em! Quiz me on compound counts: ta and ma!</a>
<a href="javascript:countQuizSetUpBoth();story.show('Count Studying');">Quiz me on <strong>all the counts</strong>, simple and compound both! I can handle it!</a>
[[You lost me.->Get Help]]<%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><%=
function() {
var result = "<div class='teacher'>";
if (story.state.countQuizGuessIndex == null) {
result += "Let's memorize some counts!\n\n";
} else if (story.state.countQuizGuessIndex != story.state.countQuizCorrectIndex) {
result += "I'm afraid that's incorrect: " + story.state.countQuizAnswers[story.state.countQuizGuessIndex] + " is " + story.state.countQuizOptions[story.state.countQuizAnswers[story.state.countQuizGuessIndex]] + ".\n\n";
} else {
result += "You got it; " + story.state.countQuizAnswers[story.state.countQuizGuessIndex] + " is indeed " + story.state.countQuizOptions[story.state.countQuizAnswers[story.state.countQuizGuessIndex]] + "!\n\n";
result += "Which count is " + story.state.countQuizOptions[story.state.countQuizAnswers[story.state.countQuizCorrectIndex]] + "?";
result += "</div>\n\n";
for (var i = 0; i < story.state.countQuizAnswers.length; i++) {
result += "<a href='javascript:story.state.countQuizGuessIndex=" + i + "; story.show(" + '"' + "Count Studying" + '"' + ");'>";
result += story.state.countQuizAnswers[i];
result += "</a>\n";
return result;
[[I'm done studying counts.->Done with Counts]]<div class="teacher">So, ties and slurs!
* <strong>Ties</strong> are curved lines between notes of the <strong>same</strong> pitch. They <strong>combine the notes together</strong> into <strong>one longer note</strong>.
* You should not clap on a tie. Those notes have been merged into one.
* <strong>Slurs</strong> are curved lines between notes of <strong>different</strong> pitches. They are just a style marking (meaning "play smooth").
* <strong>Slurs have absolutely no effect on our clapping.</strong> You may ignore them until it's time to play your instrument.
It sure would help if these two different concepts didn't have the same curvy line symbol! Sigh...
[[Don't worry, <%= myName() %>—I've got it!->Clap and Count]]
[[Yes, it sure would. But I can remember the difference.->Clap and Count]]<div class="teacher">Let's break this into smaller sections, then, so it becomes easier! Here are the rules:
* Start on a beat (that's any time you'd count a <strong>number</strong>).
* End on a beat, too.
...Those are seriously the only rules. Go nuts! Start on beat 1, end on beat 3! Start on beat 1, end on beat 2! Whatever you want!
As long as you're absolutely positive you stop <strong>on</strong> a beat, not just before one.</div>
[[I've picked my smaller section!->Clap and Count]]
[[Actually, I'm already doing only one beat, and it's still too hard.->Slow Down]]
[[Why is the final beat so important?->Why Extra Note]]<div class="teacher">If you're already working on just one beat at a time and still having trouble, then it's time to <strong>slow way down</strong>. Unless you're playing music that's way too hard for you, one beat at a time should be a small enough section to make progress... unless you're going too fast!
If you have trouble slowing yourself down, try using a metronome.
Don't worry—we're learning the <strong>most</strong> when we're working on difficult material like this!</div>
[[All right, all right, I'll slow down...->Clap and Count]]<div class="teacher">Cool! When things are easy it means you've built up some skills; plus it gives us a chance to think about:
* Being even more perfect matching our timing to our clapping,
* Louder, more rhythmic spelling,
* More confident, precise fingering, or
* An even more steady foot tap!
Let's keep going!</div>
[[Sounds good!->Play]]<div class="teacher">Fantastic—it sounds like your assignment is just the right difficulty for you!
Remember, every time you repeat your spelling and fingering, you're not just practicing this one section; you're also:
* Solidifying your knowledge of the fingerings
* Learning to read note names more quickly and with more accuracy, and
* Improving your dexterity and coordination—which help with <strong>everything</strong>, not just band!
Time to keep going!</div>
[[Sounds good!->Play]]<div class="teacher">You should be <strong>so</strong> proud! When we struggle with something, there are two options: give up, or dig in and work hard—and you just chose the better one! You have now learned <strong>way more</strong> than you would have if this was easy for you! And you didn't just learn those few notes, you learned:
* Any time that same pattern comes up again
* Any similar note groups and variations you might see in other places
* More confidence with all fingerings
* Faster, more accurate note name reading
* Physical coordination and dexterity
...and most importantly...
* That hard work is worth it and that <strong>you can conquer difficulties</strong> by applying yourself and being persistent!
That is, you're not just practicing spelling and fingering, you're practicing <em>practicing itself</em>—and that applies to <strong>everything</strong> in life, not just music!
Ready for the next step?
[[Absolutely!->Play]]<div class="teacher">So, ties and slurs!
* <strong>Ties</strong> are curved lines between notes of the <strong>same</strong> pitch. They <strong>combine the notes together</strong> into <strong>one longer note</strong>.
* You should not re-speak a letter name on a tie. Those notes have been merged into one.
* <strong>Slurs</strong> are curved lines between notes of <strong>different</strong> pitches. They are just a style marking (meaning "play smooth").
* <strong>Slurs have absolutely no effect on our spelling.</strong> You may ignore them until it's time to play your instrument.
It sure would help if these two different concepts didn't have the same curvy line symbol! Sigh...
[[It's okay, <%= myName() %>—I can handle it!->Spell and Finger]]
[[Yeah, that's confusing. But I've learned it now!->Spell and Finger]]<div class="teacher">No worries! We can review the clapping and counting a little bit.
It's totally normal to need to the review rhythm once in a while—good for you for noticing, instead of doing the rhythm incorrectly!</div>
[[Good for me, indeed! I am super-attentive.->Clap and Count]]<div class="teacher">That's fine! What's tripping you up?</div>
[[I can't figure out the note names.->S&F Note Name Help]]
[[I know the note names, but I can't figure out the fingerings.->S&F Fingering Help]]
[[I know everything, but I can't spit the words out quickly enough.->S&F Spelling Help]]
[[I understand it, but actually doing it seems way too hard.->S&F Performance Help]]
[[I'm a little confused about ties and slurs.->S&F Tie Help]]<div class="teacher">Only one step left, and it's the obvious one—let's <strong>play</strong>!
* 👣 Tap your foot to the beat. Don't let it tap unevenly or match your rhythm—keep it tapping on beats only.
* 🤚 Think about the spelling and fingering you just did, and the clapping and counting you did before that. Remember the rhythm? We need to match that exactly.
* ✏️ Play <strong>every symbol on the page</strong>:
* Dynamics (anything that tells you how loud or soft to play—like a crescendo or a forte)
* Articulations (anything that tells you how to start or end a note—like a slur, a staccato, or an accent)
* Any markings you've made on the page—I'm sure they're there for a reason!
There's so much to think about when playing an instrument! Here are some things to consider:
* Are you getting the most <strong>beautiful sound</strong> you can?
* Do you have a reasonable plan for <strong>breathing</strong>?
* Are you just reading the page accurately, or are you adding emotion and playing <strong>musically</strong>?
* Don't forget those slurs we've been ignoring until now—play them <strong>smooth</strong>!
* Are you still matching the <strong>rhythm</strong> from your clapping and counting?
Only play that one exact section you picked to work on—no more notes than that! Keep repeating this until you've done it <strong>perfectly three times in a row</strong>.</div>
[[I got it on my first three tries.->Easy Playing]]
[[I got it in fewer than 20 tries.->Medium Playing]]
[[It took more than 20 tries, but I got it!->Hard Playing]]
[[I forgot the rhythm I clapped.->Back to Clap and Count]]
[[My fingers are fumbling!->Back to Spell and Finger]]
[[I'm a brass player and I'm cracking all over the place.->PSBP]]
[[I'm having trouble.->Playing Help]]<div class="teacher">No problem! Here are a few questions for extra-troublesome notes:
* Can you count through the alphabet up or down from a note you <strong>do</strong> know?
* Has this note come up anywhere else that you recognize?
* Is this note in the scale the piece is based on?
...and <strong>most importantly of all:</strong>
* Use your fingering chart to look up the name of the note!
* Don't forget to take the key signature into account.</div>
[[Thanks; I've got it now!->Spell and Finger]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Spell and Finger');story.show('Note Names');">Can we please review how to read note names?</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Spell and Finger');story.show('Key Signature');">I've forgotten the key signature.</a><div class="teacher">Luckily, there's a tool to help with exactly that—your <strong>fingering chart</strong>! Check your fingering chart for the note, being careful to notice:
* Is it high or low? There are multiple notes with the same letter name.
* Is it maybe flat or sharp because of the key signature?
* Is it maybe flat or sharp becuase there was a flat or sharp on the same line or space earlier in this same measure?
Once you've found it in your fingering chart, look at the fingering <strong>carefully</strong>—there's nothing more frustrating than studying the wrong fingering because you rushed through reading it! Now:
* Try playing the note to make sure the fingering works.
* Try moving several times between this fingering and the one before it and after it.
* Make sure you're not doing any unnecessary work with your fingers. Good posture and hand position will help you be efficient!</div>
[[Great; I know this fingering now!->Spell and Finger]]
[[It's still very awkward.->Awkward Fingerings]]
[[It seems impossible to get between these fingerings efficiently.->Impossible Fingerings]]
[[I'm very confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">That's totally normal! Spelling and fingering is supposed to be difficult. Here's why:
* In order to say the note names fast enough to stay in rhythm, you need to practice saying them, like a tongue twister.
* While you practice saying them, your brain has to come up with them faster and faster to get the pronunciation to work.
* Now you know your note names really well!
There's really only one best way to deal with a difficult-to-say spelling and fingering measure, and it's this:
<strong>START SLOW.</strong>
There is definitely a tempo at which you can spell this measure! Find it and start there. Then you can work on speeding up!</div>
[[I've got it!->Spell and Finger]]
[[I... honestly think no human could spell this up to tempo.->Impossible Spelling]]<div class="teacher">We can fix that! If you ever think something seems too hard in life, you can start by completing a small part of it—the rest won't seem so daunting after you've made a little progress!
Here are two good ways to make this easier:
* We can break it into smaller sections and learn just part of it at first, or
* We can slow down our tempo until it's easy, and then speed back up once we've got it.</div>
[[I'll slow way down and try again!->Spell and Finger]]
[[Let's break it into smaller pieces.->Smaller Section]]<div class="teacher">A noble goal! What would you like to review?</div>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Study');story.show('Time Signature Definition');">Time signatures, please!</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Study');story.show('Note Lengths');">I'd like to go over note lengths.</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Study');story.show('Counts');">What do all those rhythm counts mean again?</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Study');story.show('Note Names');">Let's review reading note names.</a>
[[I want to study something that's not on this list!->Teoria]]
[[I'm done studying for now.->Start]]<div class="teacher">Okay, let's go over how to read note names!
* Those five lines are called the <strong>staff</strong>.
* A musical note can sit on a <strong>line</strong> in the staff or a <strong>space</strong> (in between lines).
* Higher-sounding notes look vertically higher on the staff, and lower-sounding notes are way down low visually.
* If a note is so high or low that it leaves the staff, we draw in little lines to help us read it anyway. (These are called <strong>ledger lines</strong>.)
You already know the order the notes go in: it's the <strong>alphabet</strong>!
* If one note is called B, then the next higher note will be C.
* If you go down one note from G, you'll find F.
* The only difference is we don't use the <strong>whole</strong> alphabet—we loop back after G.
* Therefore, the next higher note after G is A.
That's the basics! We now need to know if your music is in <strong>treble clef</strong> or <strong>bass clef</strong>. The <strong>clef</strong> is a symbol at the far left of each line of music:
* A treble clef is very loopy, with a round swirl in the middle and a hangy-downy ball thing.
* A bass clef is a curved line with two dots after it, and a globby ball thing near the top.</div>
[[I'm in treble clef. It's very swirly, and there are no dots after it.->Treble Clef]]
[[I'm in bass clef. I see the two dots!->Bass Clef]]<div class="teacher">Let's learn treble clef, then! Treble clef is sometimes called <strong>G clef</strong> because its swirly part circles around the <strong>G</strong> line.
Most people don't count from G for everything, though. They use <strong>mnemonics</strong>—memory tricks for remembering the lines and spaces of the staff:
* The <strong>spaces</strong> of the treble clef staff, from bottom to top, spell <strong>F A C E</strong>. That means a note on the very top space (just below the top line) would be an <strong>E</strong>.
* The <strong>lines</strong> of the treble clef staff are <strong>E G B D F</strong>. You can make up your own mnemonic for this, but some people like to use "<strong>E</strong>very <strong>G</strong>ood <strong>B</strong>ear <strong>D</strong>eserves <strong>F</strong>ish" or, perhaps, "<strong>E</strong>lephants <strong>G</strong>o <strong>B</strong>ouncing <strong>D</strong>own <strong>F</strong>reeways"—what a visual!
* Don't worry; you won't use mnemonic tricks forever. Soon you'll become so familiar with the most common notes that reading them will become automatic to you. It's just like how you no longer need to sound out the word "cat"—or do you?—don't worry, I won't tell your English teacher.</div>
[[I've got it!->Done with Note Names]]
[[Is there somewhere I can practice reading notes?->Note Name Practice]]<div class="teacher">Let's learn bass clef, then! Bass clef is sometimes called <strong>F clef</strong> because its two dots are on either side of the <strong>F</strong> line.
Most people don't count from F for everything, though. They use <strong>mnemonics</strong>—memory tricks for remembering the lines and spaces of the staff:
* The <strong>spaces</strong> of the bass clef staff, from bottom to top, spell <strong>A C E G</strong>. You can make up your own mnemonic for this, but some people like to use "<strong>A</strong>ll <strong>C</strong>ows <strong>E</strong>at <strong>G</strong>rass"—moo! 🐄
* The <strong>lines</strong> of the bass clef staff are <strong>G B D F A</strong>. Again, be creative, but one option is "<strong>G</strong>ood <strong>B</strong>urritos <strong>D</strong>on't <strong>F</strong>all <strong>A</strong>part"—delicious! 🌯
* Don't worry; you won't use mnemonic tricks forever. Soon you'll become so familiar with the most common notes that reading them will become automatic to you. It's just like how you no longer need to sound out the word "cat"—or do you?—don't worry, I won't tell your English teacher.</div>
[[I've got it!->Done with Note Names]]
[[Is there somewhere I can practice reading notes?->Note Name Practice]]<%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><div class="teacher">Unfortunately, I—<%= myName() %>—can't help you study note names. But there is a great website for it! Just be careful with all the <strong>settings</strong>:
* Pick the right <strong>clef</strong> or you'll learn all the wrong names.
* You may wish to enable lines, spaces, ledger lines (that is, very high or low notes), or a combination of these.
* You want to answer using the <strong>note</strong> name, not a keyboard—unless you feel like learning piano today, too!
* You probably want <strong>no tempo</strong> at first.</div>
<a href="https://www.teoria.com/en/exercises/clef.php" target="_blank">Cool, I'll try this website!</a>
[[I'm done with note names for now.->Done with Note Names]]<div class="teacher">Hmm... there's a great website I know for practicing many aspects of music theory and aural skills. I—<%= myName() %>—can't help you much with it, but if you play around with the settings and explore the different quizzes, I'm sure you'll learn a ton!
There are so many topics out there we don't have time to cover in school, I'm sure at least one of them will be fascinating to you!</div>
<a href="https://www.teoria.com/en/exercises/" target="_blank">Cool; take me to it!</a>
[[No thanks! I'll stay here with you.->Start]]<div class="teacher">If you have a particularly awkward transition between two fingerings, try just practicing that one transition fifty times!
You may want to watch or listen to something while you do it, because it doesn't take <strong>too</strong> much brain power. Some other tips to try:
* Try doing just one hand at a time.
* Notice what exactly is the same between the two fingerings, and what is different.
* Try saying out loud to yourself what you physically want to do.</div>
[[It's getting better!->Spell and Finger]]
[[It seems impossible to get between these fingerings efficiently.->Impossible Fingerings]]
[[I'm very confused.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">If a fingering transition truly seems impossible, there are sometimes tricks that can help! Maybe we can use an alternate fingering, especially if the note is very fast—we don't do this all the time, because the real fingerings sound better, but sometimes they're truly too hard.
* Sometimes flutes have to leave their left hand first finger down for middle D or E flat.
* Sometimes clarinets have to leave their entire right hand down for notes between middle G and B flat.
* Sometimes trombonists have to use alternate slide positions.
* Sometimes we need to use trill keys or other special fingerings.</div>
[[I'm pretty sure I know what to do!->Spell and Finger]]
<% if (hasEmail()) { %><a href="mailto:<%= email() %>?subject=Alternate%20Fingering%3F&body=Hello%20<%= encodeURIComponent(teacherName()) %>!%0D%0A%0D%0AI'm%20having%20trouble%20with%20this%20one%20measure%3B%20are%20there%20any%20alternate%20fingerings%20I%20could%20use%3F%20I've%20attached%20a%20photo%20of%20the%20measure.">I'm pretty sure I'm in this situation; I'll email <%= yourRealTeacher() %> to ask.</a><% } %>
[[I think it's just awkward and I can do it.->Awkward Fingerings]]
[[I'm totally stumped.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">Okay. So, listen... I'll tell you a secret:
Yes. There is a maximum speed at which human tongues can reasonably say stuff.
If you're absolutely 100% positive you've hit that point, then you might have to just spell and finger this section a little under tempo.
[[I <strong>knew</strong> it! I'll slow down a little.->Spell and Finger]]
[[Hmm... on second thought, I can try harder.->S&F Spelling Help]]<div class="teacher">Wonderful! You <strong>made</strong> it easy by doing the careful work of learning the rhythms and fingerings first. Now, we have even more time to focus on the little details, like:
* Getting a beautiful, rich sound
* Being confident
* Adding emotion and playing musically, and
* Keeping that tapping foot steady!
Let's move forward!</div>
[[You bet!->Next Section]]<div class="teacher">All right! You're working on just the right size of assignment, then!
Remember, every time you learn to play a section of music, you're not just learning that one section. You're also:
* Learning to play anything similar to that section in the future,
* Improving your overall sound on the instrument, and
* Learning that you are awesome and you can achieve amazing things when you break things down and work hard!
Time to move forward!</div>
[[You bet!->Next Section]]<div class="teacher">You are incredible and hardworking! It's actually better that this section didn't come easy for you—most learning comes from <strong>overcoming a struggle</strong>. Remember that for life—challenges are opportunities to learn! And you didn't just learn this one section, you learned:
* How to play sections similar to that one in the future
* How to play your instrument just a little bit more beautifully overall
* How to practice difficult music and achieve your goals
...and most importantly...
* How to tackle a difficult goal with perserverance, and feel how it pays off!
That is, you're not just practicing music, you're practicing <em>practicing itself</em>—breaking down <strong>anything</strong> difficult into smaller, more manageable steps! It works in other subjects, too!
Ready to move forward?
[[You bet!->Next Section]]<div class="teacher">That's okay! We can review the spelling and fingering a little bit.
It's totally normal to need to the review fingerings once in a while—way to go for noticing, instead of letting your notes come out all mushy!</div>
[[Way to go, indeed! I hold myself to high standards.->Spell and Finger]]<div class="teacher">We can do this! You've already learned the rhythms and fingerings so carefully—that's tremendous progress! You made it this far by carefully breaking down each step into smaller goals; let's use that same strategy now.
If you're having trouble playing, there are basically two ways to make it easier:
* We can break it into smaller sections and learn just part of it at first, or
* We can slow down our tempo until it's easy, and then speed back up once we've got it.</div>
[[I'll slow way down and try again!->Play]]
[[Let's break it into smaller pieces.->Smaller Section]]
[[Actually, I'm a brass player and I just need to work on cracking.->PSBP]]<div class="teacher">Hooray! That's a completed section of music! 🎉
Let's pick the next section to practice! There are three good options here:
* Start your next practice section on the last note of your previous one. Practice sections should <strong>overlap by one note</strong>, so the first note you're about to work on is the same as the last note you just finished practicing.
* The rule is to always <strong>start on a beat</strong> and <strong>end on a beat</strong>, so now is a great time to make sure that's still happening.
* <strong>Or,</strong> if you've finished a few adjacent sections, combine them together to form your next section—a <strong>bigger</strong> section!
* This is the most fun part of practice, when it all comes together!
* Don't worry—these larger, combined sections usually don't take very much practice, because of all the hard work you did already.
* <strong>Or,</strong> if you just mastered a big, combined section and you feel like you've accomplished something, you could take a break and practice something totally different!</div>
[[I'm moving forward, starting where I left off!->Clap and Count]]
[[Time to combine some sections!->Clap and Count]]
[[Time to practice something totally different!->Start]]
[[Why do practice sections overlap by one note?->Why Extra Note]]<div class="teacher">Think about your current progress on this assignment. Play through it if that helps—listen for what you want to improve:
* Are there <strong>rhythm</strong> errors? Are you tapping your foot?
* Are there <strong>pitch</strong> errors? Does it sound like what you expected?
* Could the <strong>key signature</strong> be missing?
* Are you playing all the <strong>dynamics</strong> and <strong>articulations</strong>? The little details are what make music interesting!
* Do you need to use a more beautiful sound and add more emotion and musicality?
Once you've identified your goal, find a section of music that lets you work on that goal. Pick a section that:
* Starts on a beat and ends on a beat.
* Is long enough that you won't accomplish your goal on your first try.
* Is <strong>short</strong> enough that your goal won't seem impossible.</div>
[[Section picked!->Focus 2]]<div class="teacher">Great! Now, what is your goal? For every goal, there is a best practice technique that will help you achieve it.
You have probably heard of these practice techniques before!</div>
[[I'm going to improve my rhythm by clapping and counting.->Clap and Count]]
[[My fingers are fumbling a little, so I'm going to spell and finger.->Spell and Finger]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Spell and Finger');story.show('Key Signature');">I was missing the key signature, so I'm going to review that, then spell and finger.</a>
[[I need to add more details and work on my overall sound, so I'm going to play.->Play]]<div class="teacher">There's a great intermediary step you can do after clapping and counting, but before spelling and fingering: it's <strong>rhythmatizing</strong>.
* Tap your foot to the beat.
* Count just like before, but <strong>in your head</strong> this time.
* <strong>Chant</strong> or sing the notes, copying the exact rhythm of your clapping from before.
(Rhythmatizing works because counting in your head is <strong>harder</strong> than counting out loud. This gets you used to it before adding the extra challenge of caring about pitch!)</div>
[[Great! I'm ready to move on!->Spell and Finger]]
[[I'm having trouble chanting the rhythm.->Back to Clap and Count]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Rhythmatize');story.show('Rhythmatize Explanation');">Can you explain "rhythmatizing" more?</a><div class="teacher">There's a great technique to work on cracking; it's called <strong>Play, Sing, Buzz, Play</strong>, or PSBP for short.
* First, <strong>play</strong> the section you're cracking on.
* Don't worry if you crack a little, just get the partials right in the end.
* Try to <strong>sing</strong> back those same notes you just played.
* It doesn't matter if you don't have great tone; this isn't chorus! Get the <strong>pitches</strong> right.
* Don't be afraid to start over with <strong>playing</strong> if you forget what pitches to sing.
* If you can sing it, try next to <strong>buzz</strong> those same pitches on just your mouthpiece.
* Do this as many times as it takes—try to be in tune!
* Don't be afraid to start over with <strong>playing</strong> if you forget what pitches to buzz.
* Once you've buzzed the section, return to <strong>playing</strong>. Are you cracking less? Of course you are! PSBP to the rescue!</div>
[[Hooray, PSBP!->Play]]<script>
story.state.unpitched = true;
<div class="teacher">Oh! Well, then we can't really spell and finger.</div>
[[Right. Let's skip straight to playing!->Play]]<div class="teacher">That it is! 🎉
...It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how.</div>
[[Hooray for band traditions!->Start]]<div class="teacher"><%=
function() {
switch (Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)) {
case 0: return "How many conductors does it take to change a lightbulb?\n\nI don't know; I wasn't watching.";
case 1: return "What do you get when you drop a piano on an army base?\n\nA flat major.\n\nWhat do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft?\n\nA flat minor.";
case 2: return "What do you call a band conductor up to his neck in quicksand?\n\nNot enough quicksand.";
case 3: return "Why was the flute player arrested?\n\nHe was in treble.";
case 4: return "What's a snake's favorite part of learning an instrument?\n\nThe scales!";
case 5: return "Two drums and a cymbal fall down a hill.\n\nBa-dum tschh!";
case 6: return "Want to hear a joke about a staccato note?\n\nNever mind, it's too short.";
<a href="javascript:window.history.back();">LOL!</a>
<a href="javascript:window.history.back();">Sigh.</a>
<% if (isVanNess()) { %><a href="javascript:window.history.back();">You really <strong>are</strong> a clone of Mr. Van Ness...</a><% } %><div class="teacher">You can learn a lot by practicing almost <strong>anything</strong>—as long as you're focused and you take it seriously.
Plus, if you know you have a specific goal right now, then <strong>no matter what you work on</strong>, you can still <strong>focus on that goal</strong>. Can you think of a specific goal you might have right now? Examples include:
* Tapping your foot evenly
* Thinking rhythm countings while you play
* Using better posture or breathing
* Using better hand position, or improving a specific bad habit
* Improving your overall sound
* Playing slower and more steadily
* Getting more comfortable with high notes or low notes
* Getting more comfortable with a specific time signature or key signature
There's a whole world of music out there; let's brainstorm some ideas! What would you like to try?</div>
[[Review some old favorites I already learned->Review Old Pieces]]
[[Learn something by ear->Learn by Ear]]
[[Find sheet music online->Find Sheet Music]]
[[Focus on just one specific skill->Study]]
[[Explore theory and aural skills->Teoria]]
[[Perform my own mini-recital->Recital]]
[[Teach someone else how to play an instrument->Teach]]
[[Listen to my own favorite music->Your Own Music]]
[[Listen to other amazing performers->Awesome Players]]<div class="teacher">Reviewing music you've already learned can be so fun! It's a chance to bask in your prior accomplishments, but it's also your chance to work on more advanced skills, since you've already mastered the basics.
You could play all sorts of things as review:
* Band music you already mastered
* Old favorites from previous lesson book pages
* <strong>Least</strong> favorites from previous lesson book pages (Do you like them more now that they don't seem so difficult?)
* Last year's band music—from memory!
Try to focus on:
* Exaggerating dynamics
* Adding your own detail dynamics (Try making every slur into a crescendo/decrescendo pair!)
* Making the most beautiful sound you've ever made</div>
[[Fun! I'm done reviewing.->Start]]<div class="teacher">Playing by ear is a great skill that you'll love to have for the rest of your life!
First, you need to pick something to learn. A great choice of piece:
* Has an easily-accessible recording that you can repeat <strong>so much</strong>
* Has a melody that sounds mostly <strong>scale-based</strong> (doesn't have too many huge leaps)
* Is something you're extremely familiar with</div>
[[I'm going to work on a pop song!->Learn by Ear 2]]
[[I found the theme from a great game or movie!->Learn by Ear 2]]
[[I've got something else I'm excited to learn.->Learn by Ear 2]]
[[On second thought, I couldn't find anything.->Start]]<div class="teacher">There's a lot of sheet music available for free online. If there's a specific piece you want to play, you might be able to find it!
(It's important to note that a lot of the music online is made by amateurs learning by ear, so it's not all super-accurate. That's okay, though—it can at least get you started. Keep listening and maybe you can catch their mistakes!)
If you play a rarer instrument, you might be worried there's not a lot of music out there for you, but you can actually read more music than you think!</div>
[[Great! I'm looking for older music, like a famous classical piece.->IMSLP]]
[[Great! How can I find some more recent music?->How to Find Music]]
[[What music am I able to read?->What Can I Read]]
[[Maybe <strong>I</strong> should learn by ear, too!->Learn by Ear]]<div class="teacher">We have two modes of playing our instruments: <strong>practice mode</strong> and <strong>performance mode</strong>. We usually get <strong>way</strong> more experience with one than the other! But they're both important! Here's the difference:
<tr><td>Stop and fix mistakes</td><td>Keep going no matter what</td></tr>
<tr><td>Repeat small sections</td><td>Play straight from beginning to end</td></tr>
<tr><td>Low-pressure, long-term</td><td>High-pressure, immediate</td></tr>
Studies show that while practice is very important, it's actually performing that makes that practice "stick" in your brain permanently. (And this applies to other classes, too: taking a test or quiz makes you remember the information for longer than just reviewing for one! This is why one of the best ways to study is to quiz yourself.)</div>
[[So, how do I set up a recital for myself?->How to Recital]]<div class="teacher">Research shows that the best way to learn something is to teach it! Teaching someone what you've learned in band is not just a great way to review, it's also a really fun social activity.
While you may not be able to teach your family and friends everything you're learning in band, you could certainly show them the basics! Here are a few things you could teach someone in your house, or maybe over video chat:
* The basics of rhythm reading
* How to clap and count
* The basics of note reading
* What scales are
* How to spell (but probably not finger) a scale
* What all the dynamic and articulation markings mean
* How to make a basic sound on your instrument
* The first three notes you ever learned
* What the steps of good practicing are
Once you get started, your "student" may have questions that lead you to have all sorts of interesting conversations! If your "student" has never been in band before, it can help them get a glimpse into what we're doing all the time, and understand why we love it so much!
You can also try learning something new together—try exploring aural skills and bringing someone along for the ride!</div>
[[Fun! Got it.->Start]]
[[Can you help me teach note reading?->Note Names]]
[[How do I work on aural skills?->Teoria]]<div class="teacher">There's a lot of deep musical analysis you can do to <strong>any</strong> piece you're listening to.
One of the most basic things you can do, though, is deduce the <strong>meter</strong>.</div>
[[Okay...->Meter]]<div class="teacher">Really watching and contemplating excellent performances can help you improve more than you'd think! It's especially effective if you try to copy the style or the beautiful sound of the performers you're most impressed with.</div>
<a href="https://lams.redhookcentralschools.org/faculty-websites/van-ness-andrew-instrumental-music/videos-of-awesome-players" target="_blank"><% if (isVanNess()) { %>Take me to Mr. Van Ness's "Videos of Awesome Players" page!<% } else { %>I'd like to see one middle school teacher's list of awesome videos.<% } %></a>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=awesome+concert+band" target="_blank">I have the self-control and discipline to search YouTube for my instrument and not get distracted by other videos, especially terrible ones.</a>
[[Is there any benefit to listening to my <strong>own</strong> music?->Your Own Music]]
[[I'm done listening for now.->Start]]<div class="teacher">Great! Let's find a clip of the melody to focus on first. Start by just trying to find the <strong>first note</strong>:
* Play the recording and listen to the first note.
* Try to sing the first note back.
* Guess a note on your instrument to match. Does it sound the same?
* Is it a little too high? A little too low?
* Is it way off and you'll need to make a very different guess?
You <strong>don't have to match the octave</strong>, just the letter name and accidental. <strong>Replay the recording frequently to check your guesses.</strong></div>
[[I found it!->Learn by Ear 3]]
[[I can't figure it out.->Pitch by Ear Trouble]]<div class="teacher">Time to move on to the <strong>next</strong> note! Try to compare it to the note you just figured out:
* Is it the same?
* Is it a <strong>step</strong> away, the next higher or lower note in the scale?
* Is it a small or large <strong>leap</strong> away?
Try to sing the two notes. Make some guesses on your instrument, and <strong>replay the recording frequently to check your guesses</strong>.</div>
[[I've got it! Next!->Learn by Ear 3]]
[[I can't figure it out.->Pitch by Ear Trouble]]
[[I've got the pitch, but I'm having trouble with the rhythm.->Rhythm by Ear]]
[[Are there more advanced techniques for this?->Advanced Learning by Ear]]
[[I'm done learning by ear for now.->Done Learning by Ear]]<div class="teacher">That's all right! Remember, <strong>there are only 12 different notes</strong>. Try all of these:
* C
* C sharp or D flat
* D
* D sharp or E flat
* E
* F
* F sharp or G flat
* G
* G sharp or A flat
* A
* A sharp or B flat
* B
I promise, the right answer is definitely in that list somewhere! Use process of elimination if you have to.
<strong>Replay your recording before and after each guess to check.</strong></div>
[[I got it!->Learn by Ear 3]]
[[Ehhh... I'm going to pick a different piece.->Learn by Ear]]
[[I've had it with learning by ear for today.->Done Learning by Ear]]<div class="teacher">One of the best ways to learn <strong>rhythm</strong> by ear is to rhythmatize it back!
* Play your recording and listen.
* Play it again and rhythmatize or sing along.
* Now rhythmatize or sing by yourself.
Did your rhythm match?</div>
[[Yup!->Learn by Ear 3]]
[[No, I'm still having trouble.->Rhythm by Ear 2]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Rhythm by Ear');story.show('Rhythmatize Explanation');">Wait, what's "rhythmatizing"?</a><div class="teacher">One of the trickiest parts about learning a rhythm by ear is determining <strong>when it starts</strong>.
* Play your recording and try to find the <strong>beat</strong>. Tap your foot along with the beat. Is it steady?
* Try to feel the <strong>meter</strong> of the piece. Can you find a stronger beat that feels like "1"?
* Now use your new knowledge to try to identify which <strong>count</strong> your rhythm starts on!
* Is it perfectly synchronized with your foot? Then it's on a beat!
* Is it between two beats? Which ones? Is it exactly halfway between?
Once you've identified that starting count, you can tap your foot and count yourself in to help you figure out the whole rhythm.</div>
[[Thanks!->Rhythm by Ear]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Rhythm by Ear 2');story.show('Meter');">Let's talk more about meter.</a>
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Rhythm by Ear');story.show('Counts');">I need to study countings first.</a>
[[I'm done learning by ear for now.->Done Learning by Ear]]<div class="teacher">Rhythmatizing is just <strong>chanting</strong> something, copying its exact rhythm and style, but not caring about pitch.
Rhythmatizing works because it allows you to focus on rhythm and style without getting distracted by the added complexity of pitch.</div>
[[Got it!->Done with Rhythmatizing]]
[[Is it okay to sing instead?->Sing Instead of Rhythmatize]]<div class="teacher">Sure! Remember, the purpose of rhythmatizing is to <strong>focus on rhythm and style</strong>. If you're naturally singing the right notes without having to spend attention on it, there's no reason to stop yourself!
As long as you're able to focus on the rhythm and not get distracted by the pitches, <strong>singing is great</strong>!</div>
[[Cool!->Done with Rhythmatizing]]<%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><div class="teacher">Cool! We don't get to learn by ear nearly enough in school, so it can be tricky. Way to go for working on it!
(By the way, this is just the <strong>absolute basics</strong> of learning by ear—there's so much more you can learn!)
If you love the piece you were just working on, there's more you can do with it.</div>
[[Oh? What else could I do with this piece?->Your Own Music]]
[[No thanks, I'm tired of that piece.->Start]]
[[What else is there to know about learning by ear?->Advanced Learning by Ear]]<div class="teacher">Newer music is a little trickier to find—most of it is copyrighted, so your best option is to use a search engine and see what your options are for the specific piece you're interested in playing!
Not everything will be available, and not everything will be free. If you can't find a piece you want, just try another one!
I'll get you started: what's the name of a piece you're interested in?</div>
<input id="pieceName" type="text" oninput="story.state.pieceName = value;">
[[Let's search for it!->Music Search]]
[[What about older music, like famous classical pieces?->IMSLP]]
[[Never mind.->Start]]<div class="teacher">If you're playing solo, you can read basically any music that's <strong>in the correct clef</strong>!
This splits us into basically two groups. You can either share music with the instruments who read <strong>bass clef</strong>:
* Bassoon
* Trombone
* Baritone
* Tuba
* String bass & key bass
Or, you can share music with the instruments who read <strong>treble clef</strong>:
* Everyone else
This opens up a lot of possibilities! Plus, if you were feeling ambitious (and you're already <strong>very</strong> solid on your <strong>own</strong> instrument's note names), you could <strong>learn the opposite clef</strong>—then you'd be able to read <strong>anything</strong>!</div>
[[Cool!->Find Sheet Music]]
[[But what if the notes are way too high or low?->What Can I Read Range Issues]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('What Can I Read');story.show('Note Names');">I am <strong>totally</strong> going to learn the opposite clef for fun! I'm strong enough at my <strong>real</strong> note names that this won't confuse me.</a><div class="teacher">All right, here's my best attempt to find "<%- story.state.pieceName %>" for you.
Remember, not everything will be available, and not everything will be free. If you can't find a piece you want, just try another one!</div>
<a href="https://www.google.com/search?as_q=<%= encodeURIComponent(story.state.pieceName) %>+sheet+music&safe=active&as_filetype=pdf" target="_blank">Show me what you found!</a>
[[Let's look for something else.->How to Find Music]]
[[What about older music, like famous classical pieces?->IMSLP]]
[[I'm done searching for music.->Start]]<div class="teacher">Well, the great news is, you don't need to play in the real <strong>octave</strong>. It may be difficult for you to read if all the notes are out of your instrument's usual range, but if you can just figure out the <strong>letter name and accidental</strong> you're all set.
You can play the whole piece down an octave if it looks too high. You can play the whole piece up an octave if it looks too low.
You can even use your musical intuition to find appropriate places to switch octaves in the middle, if you need to!</div>
[[Ah-ha! Sounds good.->Find Sheet Music]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Find Sheet Music');story.show('Note Names');">I need to review note names since they're so out of my usual range.</a><div class="teacher">The most important part is your <strong>mindset</strong>. Some people are able to enter "performance mode" just by trying, even if they're alone!
Most people, though, need an <strong>audience</strong>. Your audience could be:
* People who are already in your house
* Frends or relatives via video chat
* Even just your phone, recording you
Just knowing someone is listening helps you feel like you're performing, not practicing. Also, the <strong>fancier</strong> you can make it, the more real it will be! Some ideas:
* Dress up
* Set up special lighting
* Have someone to announce you
Of course, you know your audience well, but try not to interact with them the way you normally would—pretend you're on stage!</div>
[[Cool!->Start]]<div class="teacher">There's so much more to learning by ear that I, <%= myName() %>, am not able to teach you! Here's a preview, though:
* You can learn to recognize the <strong>exact</strong> size of a step or skip between two notes, called an "interval"
* This is obviously <strong>super</strong>-useful!
* We naturally hear music in a key, and you can learn to recognize the "sound" of each note as a "solfege syllable"
* Then you don't need to think about distances between notes at all!
* You can get so advanced at this that you figure out not just the melody, but the "chords" as well
* "Chords" are the patterns behind all the pitches; they define music's harmonic structure</div>
<a href="javascript:window.history.back();">Cool!</a>
[[Can I learn about chords and intervals somewhere?->Teoria]]<div class="teacher">Meter is the overall feel of a piece's rhythm. (Every <strong>time signature</strong> corresponds with a particular meter.) There are two aspects to meter:
- How many beats are in each measure?
- How are those beats subdivided?
The first step to feeling the meter of a piece is to listen for the <strong>beat</strong>. Can you feel <strong>when to tap your foot</strong>? Don't be afraid to guess and check!
(You may feel some ambiguity sometimes—that's normal. In questions of meter, there's often more than one right answer. That doesn't mean there aren't any wrong answers, and it certainly doesn't mean it's not worth exploring!)</div>
[[I found the beat!->Meter 2]]
[[I give up.->Get Help]]<div class="teacher">Great, you found the beat! Next we need to feel <strong>beat 1</strong>. One of your foot taps should feel <strong>stronger</strong> than the others; we just need to determine how frequent those strong taps are.
* Does it feel like the beats are grouped in twos? Can you count "1, 2; 1, 2..." and have it fit well with the music?
* Are they maybe grouped in threes? Try counting "1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3..." and see if it lines up.
* What about fours? If you count to four repeatedly, does beat <strong>1</strong> always feel strongest?
* Five-beat meters are a little less common! Do you perhaps have a piece with five beats per measure?
* Numbers higher than five are very rare—but not impossible!
Don't be afraid to replay the piece until you're sure you've got it! <strong>Guess and check</strong> is your most powerful tool here.</div>
[[I figured out how many beats there are per measure!->Meter 3]]
[[Um... I am fairly certain that some of these measures are different lengths than others.->Mixed Meter]]
[[I'm done with meter for now.->Done with Meter]]<div class="teacher">The other half of meter is what <strong>subdivision</strong> the beats are split into. There are a few options:
* Maybe the beats are split in <strong>half</strong>.
* That means rhythms involving the counts <strong>e</strong>, <strong>+</strong>, or <strong>a</strong> will sound appropriate.
* Try counting "One and two and..." to see if it fits.
* This is called <strong>simple meter</strong>.
* Maybe the beats are split in <strong>thirds</strong>.
* That means rhythms involving both <strong>ta</strong> and <strong>ma</strong> will sound appropriate.
* Try counting "One ta ma two ta ma..." to see if it fits.
* This is called <strong>compound meter</strong>.
* Maybe there are plenty of "ma"s, but very few "ta"s.
* You could call this compound meter, but it's more likely to be <strong>swing</strong>. Are you listening to jazz?
* Much less commonly, maybe <strong>some</strong> of the beats are simple (split in half), but <strong>others</strong> are compound (split in thirds).
* This is called <strong>complex meter</strong>, and it really makes a piece feel exciting!</div>
[[I've figured out the subdivision!->Meter 4]]
<a href="javascript:pushReturnPassage('Meter 3');story.show('Counts');">Whoah... I need to review my countings first.</a>
[[I can't figure it out, but what would be the next step if I could?->Meter 4]]
[[I'm done with meter for now.->Done with Meter]]<div class="teacher">You found a piece in multiple meters! That's fantastic! In that case, your job is to discover what <strong>pattern</strong> the meters are in.
* Is one section of the piece consistently in one meter, and then the meter changes for another section of the piece? This is a great compositional technique that can help the sections feel different from each other!
* Do the meters switch frequently, but in some regular <strong>pattern</strong>? For example, are there three measures of 4, and then a measure of 3? This is called <strong>mixed meter</strong> and it's awesome! It really makes a piece sound exciting and forward-moving!
* Do the meters switch all over the place with no particular pattern?
* Really? Are you sure!? That's unusual, but maybe the composer was trying to convey feelings of uncertainty and confusion. I've heard this in some video game boss fight music before!</div>
[[Got it!->Meter 3]]
[[I can't figure out the pattern, but I'm ready to move on anyway.->Meter 3]]<%= story.render(popReturnPassage()) %><div class="teacher">If you know how many beats there are per measure, and what subdivision those beats are split into, then you know the meter of this piece!
Meter names are specified with the subdivision first, followed by the beats per measure, like this:
* A piece with four beats per measure, with those beats split in half, would be in <strong>simple quadruple</strong> (and might be in a time signature like 4/4)
* A piece with two beats per measure, with those beats split in half, would be in <strong>simple duple</strong> (and might be in a time signature like 2/4 or 2/2)
* A piece with two beats per measure, with those beats split in thirds, would be in <strong>compound duple</strong> (and might be in a time signature like 6/8, because we know that's <strong>really</strong> 2 over dotted quarter note)
* A piece with three beats per measure, with tons of "ma"s but not many "ta"s, is probably in <strong>swing triple</strong> (and might be in a time signature like 3/4, but with "Swing" clearly specified)
You can try to figure out the meter of any piece you hear! It's a great way to think about rhythm and practice your subdivisions without even needing sheet music.</div>
[[That was cool! I'll totally do this whenever I hear music playing and bother my family and friends by interrupting with "Did you know the piece playing in the background of this restaurant is in compound triple meter? I did, because I'm awesome."->Done with Meter]]<div class="teacher">Sure! I am <%= myIntroduction() %>, created by <% if (isVanNess()) { %>Mr. Van Ness.<% } else { %>Andy Van Ness, a band teacher at Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, New York.<% } %> I was created in response to the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, but I hope to be useful forever!
I was created with Twine, a free tool for making interactive fiction—all the things I say are nodes in a massive flowchart, and the buttons you push link between them. I ended up kinda complicated, with some custom JavaScript added, but it was <strong>so easy</strong> for my creator to get <strong>started</strong> with Twine—you should check it out and make an interactive story yourself! (You can even download this HTML file and open it in Twine, to see my inner workings!)
I <% if (!isVanNess()) { %>(<span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" href="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/InteractiveResource" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">Practice Guide</span> by <a class="inline" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://andyvn.ath.cx/" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Andy Van Ness</a>) <% } %>am licensed under a <a class="inline" rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. That means you can use parts of me in your own projects!
<a class="inline" rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a></div>
[[Cool! Thanks for the info.->Start]]
<a href="https://twinery.org" target="_blank">I want to make my own Twine!</a>
[[I'm a band teacher. Can you become a clone of me?->Clone Maker]]
<a href="https://github.com/andyvn22/practice-guide" target="_blank">I'm a programmer. Do you have a GitHub repository?</a>
<% if (isVanNess()) { %><a href="mailto:avanness@rhcsd.org">I have more questions for Mr. Van Ness about you.</a><% } else { %><a href="mailto:andyvn22@gmail.com">I have more questions for your creator.</a><% } %><div class="teacher">I can absolutely become a clone of you. You just need to provide a little information!
* Your name, so I can identify myself. (This is required!)
* A URL to an image of the face I should use. (This is optional—I'll just be a robot version of you if you don't provide a clone face.)
* An email address, if and only if you want me to recommend students email you when they get stuck. (This is optional—without an email, I'll vaguely recommend they ask for help, but won't provide email links.)
Once I'm you, you can copy the URL to share me with others—your customizations are built right in to the URL! (That does mean the URL will be a little long—you can always use a shortening service if that bothers you.)
P.S. For the image, what worked for me was a Memoji from iOS—if you open one on a Mac in QuickTime Player, you can copy a single frame of it into Preview for cropping, and it's already got an appropriate alpha channel. Then you just need to find somewhere to upload it that provides a public URL!</div>
function cloneMe() {
let name = $("#name")[0].value;
let image = $("#image")[0].value;
let email = $("#email")[0].value;
if (name) {
var result = "?name=" + encodeURIComponent(name);
if (image && (image != "http://practice.is-very-good.org/media/robot.png")) {
result += "&image=" + encodeURIComponent(image);
if (email) {
result += "&email=" + encodeURIComponent(email);
window.location.href = result;
function check() {
let name = $("#name")[0].value;
let image = $("#image")[0].value;
if (name) {
} else {
if (image && (image != "http://practice.is-very-good.org/media/robot.png")) {
$("#showButton").text("Show me Clone " + name + "!");
} else {
$("#showButton").text("Show me Robot " + name + "!");
<label for="name">Name (required):</label><br>
<input style="width: 100%;" type="text" id="name" name="name" value="Ms. Band Teacher" oninput="check();"><br><br>
<label for="image">URL to Face Image (optional):</label><br>
<input style="width: 100%;" type="text" id="image" name="image" value="http://practice.is-very-good.org/media/robot.png" oninput="check();"><br><br>
<label for="email">Email (optional):</label><br>
<input style="width: 100%;" type="text" id="email" name="email" value="">
<a id="showButton" href="javascript:cloneMe();">Show me my clone!</a>
<% if (!isGeneric()) { %><a href="?">Actually, just become a generic robot with no name or email, please.</a><% } %>
<% if (!isVanNess()) { %><a href="?vn">Could you please assume your original identity, a clone of Mr. Van Ness, your creator?</a><% } %>
[[Never mind, I like you as you are.->Start]]<div class="teacher">Older sheet music, like tons of famous classical music, is "in the public domain" which means it can be freely distributed!
There's a great site for searching out these older public domain works, so they're easy to find!</div>
<a href="https://www.imslp.org/" target="_blank">Great! Let's look for some older music!</a>
[[What about newer music?->How to Find Music]]
<a href="https://imslp.org/wiki/IMSLP:Copyright_Made_Simple" target="_blank">I want to know more about copyright laws for some bizarre reason.</a>
[[I'm done looking for music.->Start]]